this ole southern classic
is sooo dee-licious as a
addition to yer thanksgivin meal
yet sooo simple that ya
can make it any time of the year
when ya git a hankerin
fer somethang sweet
is sooo dee-licious as a
addition to yer thanksgivin meal
yet sooo simple that ya
can make it any time of the year
when ya git a hankerin
fer somethang sweet
pastry for a single-crust pie (nowadays i use store-bought n it is reel good)
2 eggs
1 can (12 ounces) evaporated milk (even the fat-free kind works a-ok)
1 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (the secret ingredient)
2 cups mashed cooked sweet potatoes (about 1-1/2 pounds)
i usually cooks them sweet taters the day afore n chill them in the frig overnite for easier handling (bake at 350 degrees fer a hour or so or microwave for a few minutes at a time until tender. chill overnite in the frig. peel n mash) or ya can use one 15-ounce can of sweet potatoes (jest drain all the liquid off first afore ya mash them. i learnt that lesson the hard way)
line a 9-inch pie plate with the crust and flute them edges all fancy like. set aside.
in a mixing bowl, beat together the eggs
n then adds the milk n vanilla
combine the white n brown sugars n the pumpkin pie spice
n add to the egg mixture
stir in them mashed sweet potatoes
n beat until smooth
pour into crust
ifn ya wants, ya can cover the edges of the pie crust loosely with foil
bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes
remove the foil
reduce heat to 350 degrees n bake another 40 to 45 minutes
or until a toothpick stuck into the center pulls out clean
cool on a wire rack for 2 hours
n then refrigerate until ready to serve
ya can serve this pie topped with whipped cream or ice cream
we all scream fer sweet potato pie!!!
store leftovers in the refrigerator