About Me

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i has spent my whole lifes a cookin. i got a early start at it cuz i is the second oldest of nine - thats a big family to cook for. and growin up on a workin farm makes for everbuddy to has a mighty healthy appetite. after i married my man, everett, cookin was a bit easier on me since it was just the two of us and thats when my creativitee really started to kick into high gear. so much so that everett encouraged me to open myself up a diner. that was the funnest time ever to be had by any mortal soul. i kept at that diner thang even when the yung-uns begun to show up. now they is all growed n dear everett is long gone so i has learned in my old age how to cook on a smaller scale as a single wid-der woman. exceptin on wednesday nites - we all has a grate big church social pot luck supper afore bible study down there at the calvary community chapple n thats my chance to still cooks up a storm - it is jest sooo much fun.
my grate grandsun has been a buggin me for some time now to write down all these here recipes that i keeps in my head so that the family can remember me after i leave this earth. he has turned me onto this here blogg thang n now that i has got the hang of it all, i thinks it is a real awesome way to record down thangs.

here is a handy lil tip: y'all can CLICK on any of these here pictures to enlarge them n then ya can see more of the details . . . (n then hit the BACK ARROW in the upper left hand corner of the screen to return to the story). aint that jest somethang now!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 1992

12. raisin us a family PART 4 - 04/29/1958

(excerpt from "my dearest everett" by bettie mae turley)

long a bout the time that eliza mae was gonna be a startin to kindergarten, everett n me got to talkin some a bout havin us a "planned" baby this time. n the more we talked a bout it the more it seemed like the rite time. jameson n lil jo-jo were growin into the funnyest lil characters all ways a ruff housin round n jest being lil boys n eliza mae was all the time being the watchful eye over them boys so much to the point that everett n me started in to callin her "mini-mom" as a kinda nickname. so we figgered a nother baby would a fit in rite nice.

there at the beginning of this tryin time everett n me had sooo much fun with all that freedom of not havin to be carefull n all. we was liberated n care free. n sure nuff in no time at all i was a knowin that knowin feelin again n everett n me jest rejoiced a bout the new expected addition to our lil family.

this time a round tho i did take thangs a hole lot easier for to make sure that the baby would be all rite. n the pregnancy progressed rite a long 
without a hitch n
on april 29th
we had us the cutest lil baby girl.

she only weighed 

9 pounds n 3 ounces
but was 21 inches long
so she was jest all arms n legs.

everett had decided early on that
ifn we was to have us a nother baby girl
that he would like for her to be named

nicollette jeanne

which i thought was jest the
most beautifulest girly name ever!!!

nicollette jeanne turley.

my oh my that name does has a ring to it. n we all ways called her by the shortened up version of nikki jeanne.

nikki jeanne took rite off a growin all thin n tall like a bean pole with the most silkyest long blonde hair n her daddys sparklin blue eyes. so now we had us four yung-uns: eliza mae n jameson with their daddys dark hair n dark complexion n their grate-grammas dark eyes n lil jo-jo (actually by this time we was jest a callin him "lil joe" likes in that bonanza western show), lil joe n nikki jeanne with my blonde hair n fair complexion n their daddys blue eyes. quite the nice variety . . . 

ifn ya missed the previous segment bout when our third yung-un was borned then click this here link:

and the next is about when our third and last son is borned:

ifn ya wants to read the whole "everett" story then click this link:



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