then when nikki jeanne was a bout to start to kindergarten everett n me decided that we would do it all jest one more time. everett jest a kept a teasin at me that this fifth baby would be the tie breaker - to see ifn this baby would look more like him n eliza mae n jameson or look more like me n lil joe n nikki jeanne.

all thru this baby makin time
everthang went real easy like again
n on june 19th
we had us a nother lil boy
weighin in at 9 pounds n 11 ounces
n measurin 19 inches long.
we named this boy michael christian.

n everett n me declared our family complete . . .
as a toddler we all ways did call this son "mikey" but when he started to school he declared that his "grown up name" was "chris" (he was all of 6 years old. lol. he all ways has had the funniest sense of humor n is all the time catchin us off guard n jest a crackin us rite up).
i bet ya all is wonderin a bout the tie breaker??? well . . . rite off everbuddy would exclaim how oh sooo much that baby "mikey" looked jest like me - more than any of the others. when his hair comed in it was blonde jest like mine. he had my fair complexion. n he EVEN had my chocolate brown eyes!!! n as "chris" growed up he got ALL his daddys sweetness n gentleness n kindness n ALL his daddys logical thinkin n intelligence n ALL his daddys sense of humor!!! he got all my looks, even down to the short stature (which he has constantly joked a bout sayin "thanks a lot momma." jameson, lil joe n nikki jeanne is all tall like their daddy but eliza mae n chris is short like me. sorry son, genetics is what they is. i caint help it none) BUT chris got ALL his daddys BIG personality!!!
ifn ya missed the previous segment bout when our second baby girl was borned then click this here link:
ifn ya wants to read the whole story then click the link:

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