long a bout the time that eliza mae was gonna be a startin to kindergarten, everett n me got to talkin some a bout havin us a "planned" baby this time. n the more we talked a bout it the more it seemed like the rite time. jameson n lil jo-jo were growin into the funnyest lil characters all ways a ruff housin round n jest being lil boys n eliza mae was all the time being the watchful eye over them boys so much to the point that everett n me started in to callin her "mini-mom" as a kinda nickname. so we figgered a nother baby would a fit in rite nice.
there at the beginning of this tryin time everett n me had sooo much fun with all that freedom of not havin to be carefull n all. we was liberated n care free. n sure nuff in no time at all i was a knowin that knowin feelin again n everett n me jest rejoiced a bout the new expected addition to our lil family.
this time a round tho i did take thangs a hole lot easier for to make sure that the baby would be all rite. n the pregnancy progressed rite a long
without a hitch n

we had us the cutest lil baby girl.
she only weighed
9 pounds n 3 ounces
but was 21 inches long
so she was jest all arms n legs.
everett had decided early on that
ifn we was to have us a nother baby girl
that he would like for her to be named
nicollette jeanne
which i thought was jest the
most beautifulest girly name ever!!!
nicollette jeanne turley.
my oh my that name does has a ring to it. n we all ways called her by the shortened up version of nikki jeanne.

nikki jeanne took rite off a growin all thin n tall like a bean pole with the most silkyest long blonde hair n her daddys sparklin blue eyes. so now we had us four yung-uns: eliza mae n jameson with their daddys dark hair n dark complexion n their grate-grammas dark eyes n lil jo-jo (actually by this time we was jest a callin him "lil joe" likes in that bonanza western show), lil joe n nikki jeanne with my blonde hair n fair complexion n their daddys blue eyes. quite the nice variety . . .
ifn ya missed the previous segment bout when our third yung-un was borned then click this here link:
and the next is about when our third and last son is borned:
ifn ya wants to read the whole "everett" story then click this link:

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