About Me

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i has spent my whole lifes a cookin. i got a early start at it cuz i is the second oldest of nine - thats a big family to cook for. and growin up on a workin farm makes for everbuddy to has a mighty healthy appetite. after i married my man, everett, cookin was a bit easier on me since it was just the two of us and thats when my creativitee really started to kick into high gear. so much so that everett encouraged me to open myself up a diner. that was the funnest time ever to be had by any mortal soul. i kept at that diner thang even when the yung-uns begun to show up. now they is all growed n dear everett is long gone so i has learned in my old age how to cook on a smaller scale as a single wid-der woman. exceptin on wednesday nites - we all has a grate big church social pot luck supper afore bible study down there at the calvary community chapple n thats my chance to still cooks up a storm - it is jest sooo much fun.
my grate grandsun has been a buggin me for some time now to write down all these here recipes that i keeps in my head so that the family can remember me after i leave this earth. he has turned me onto this here blogg thang n now that i has got the hang of it all, i thinks it is a real awesome way to record down thangs.

here is a handy lil tip: y'all can CLICK on any of these here pictures to enlarge them n then ya can see more of the details . . . (n then hit the BACK ARROW in the upper left hand corner of the screen to return to the story). aint that jest somethang now!!!

Monday, December 16, 1991

12. raisin us a family PART 3 - 12/16/1955

(excerpt from "my dearest everett" by bettie mae turley) 

along a bout this time everett n me celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. n when fathers day rolled a round a week later in that june, we decided to jest spend that sunday together jist the four of us. in the evening, during our porch sittin time watchin the sun settin, with eliza mae playing with lil jameson there in the yard, everett n me couldnt imagine life being any better . . .

"everett, i needs to be going on over to the university college for to take me a math class or somethang like that."

"why bettie mae? ya gonna start in to doing the bookeepin for your diner busyness?" 

"no, it aint all that kinda math. its jest that my calculatin has been off some lately these past two years. seems like i done got all my numbers mixed up some . . . n its a gonna change all our lifes some more . . . this past mothers day you gived me more than one extra special present . . . n come a round next valentines day we is gonna have us a third baby."

". . . what . . ."

"thats rite mister husband. you is gonna be a daddy again." 

n everett ranned over to me n hugged me sooo tight that he squeezed the breathe rite out of me n he took to bawlin n a squalin jest as ifn this was the very first time that i ever gived him such kinda news. n i jest held him tight n cryed some tears of joy rite along with him . . . 

"but everett, i is a tellin ya rite now. three yung-uns in three years n i is a thinkin that is my limit. now you know that i know that all these here babys are a precious gift direct from the lawd god n that we can handle all these babys with all the joy n enjoyment likes we all ways does. but i am a thinkin that this here third one is my limit. ifn i was to have a fourth baby rite off again, why . . . i think that my innards would jest fall rite out on the ground." 

n everett took to laughin n a laughin n we joked a bout all that n all but then the reality of havin three babys to raise struck us square betwixt the eyes . . . n we jest starred into each others eyes . . . n then a started a jumpin up n down n a hootin n a hollerin n rejoicin that our family couldnt be any more complete. 

thank goodness this third time a round i didnt git so blasted big like i did with jameson. everett had started in to tradin off them two kids every other day - when i woulda take eliza mae with me, he would keep jameson n vice a versa. n sometimes when he was busy workin on some project that required more of his attention than a lil one would allow, then either his momma or alvernie lou would keep one of them lil ones (back in them days, we all didnt have no such places like day cares n such likes y'all does now a days). sooo . . . thangs worked out with our busy schedules n we got comfortable with the notion that another third baby would fit rite in too. 

long a bout thanksgiving time, i was near two or three months from the expectin time with this third baby. the hole time up til then everthang had progressed a long jest fine n dandy. but then i took to jest not feelin quite rite. everett drived me on over to see ole doc sampson who suggested that i take some time off from a workin so much n git some extra bed rest. now i did all ways believe in followin doc's orders but i jest aint never been much of one for jist a layin a round doing nothang. i stayed at home with everett n the two babys for a bout 10 days n got to feelin real good, jist a bout as good as new. so little by little, i started in to gettin thangs done a round the house, real carefull like. n some days i wood take one of the babys on a lil drive on over to the diner jest to say hey to all them gals n customers. 

a round the middle of december, i was out at the diner one morning doing some office work n visitin with "flo jo" n "peachie" when all the sudden i had this sharp pain all most likes a labor contraction. i excused myself to the ladys room n jest a bout panicked myselfs when of all thangs my water broke. not a good thang at all. i immediately kicked into general patton mode. i couldnt git a hold of everett on the phone so i called ole doc sampson n he telled me to high tail it on over to his office but not to drives myselfs so i asked "peachie" to drive me (cuz "peachie" is the real level headed one of the bunch). i called alvernie lou n asked ifn kouter could run on over to the farm n tells everett what all was a going on n she asked me bout where is my babys n i telled her that i had eliza mae with me n everett had jameson with him n she sayed that she would meet us all at ole doc sampsons office n that she would keep my babys whilest i was in the hospital (ooohhhhh that alvernie lou. such a special friend!!!). i asked "flo jo" to please hold down the fort there at the diner n off we flyed back into town . . . 

when "peachie" drived the car on up to doc's office, there was a standin everett talkin to ole doc sampson n alvernie lou was all ready there a holdin jameson. she camed a runnin up to the car a fore any buddy else had a chance n telled me not to worry none a bout my babys n jist to take care of myselfs n my new baby n that kouter would look after the farm for everett.
doc had all ready called the ambulance from bigg city for to come pick me up n take me on over to the hospital.
everett telled me that alvernie lou had stopped by the farm for to tell him all the news (he had been a workin out in the shop so he never heared the phone a ringin).
i has all ways counted my lucky stars to has such a blessed friend as my alvernie lou. 

doc gentled me into his office n bout the time he finished up checkin everthang out, the ambulance showed up. i declare!!! i never in all my life experienced such a ride as that ambulance driver gived me that day!!! with the sireens a whailin n the medical technician hookin me all up with a bunch of electrical wires n such . . . the hospital staff was all ready a waitin on us when we arrived n helped me onto a stretcher n whisked me away into a private exam room where all these doctors n nurses were a hookin up all these monitors n such n everbuddy was explainin all these thangs to me all at the same time n it was all jest a hustle n a bustle n i surely didnt know what all to think a bout it. finally everett camed thru the door (he had drived up in our car) n he rushed on over to me n held my face in his big strong hands n telled me that everthang would be all right n then finally i could let down my guard n big ole tears jest started streamin down my face n everett jest kept repeatin that everthang would be all right . . . 

once all them doctors n nurses got done with all their examinations, this one yung doc was explainin to us that the babys heart was beatin strong, fast but strong, n he handed his stethoscope to me for to listen to the babys heart beat. then everett took a turn. this yung doc telled us that they usually try to hold off any early births with medications n such to halt any kinda labor contractions but that it appears that this here baby was determined to make a entrance into this world now n that they has delivered babys this early afore n that they would do everthang in their medical ability for a safe n successfull delivery for both me n the baby n he really helped to put our minds at ease. 

they wheeled me into some kinda special delivery room n when everett walked thru the doorway he was all suited up in a doctors uniform n a mask n all n the yung doc sayed that he thought it would be better for me to have everetts support there in the room. that mitey impressed me considerin that we hadnt never met this yung doc afore n he all ready recognized everetts calmin affect on my well being. so i telled that yung doc how much i appreciated his thoughfullness n all his encouragement n everett taked a hold of my hand n i realized that, come what may, everthang really would be all right. 

n the hole time that all this was a takin place, i was havin steady labor contractions n the nurses kept checkin on all the progression of this here birthin that was a bout to take place n then camed a time when i was told that they was gonna give me some kinda medication that would put me to sleep for to make it easier on me (ha, i thoughts to myselfs, more like for to make it easier on all them) n i telled them all that there was no way that i was gonna miss the birthin of this here baby. i made it thru the other two without any such doings, especially with that big baby jameson, n i would make it thru jest fine with such a lil baby that i was a bout to bring into this here world. i was gonna be conscious for to welcome this lil soul into this here world. so they reluctantly accepted my decision. 

that yung doc, his name was doctor steven kiley, examined me again n sayed that everthang was progressin rite along n asked ifn there was anythang that i needed to git more comfortable n i telled him that between his doctorin n everetts support that the only thang that i needed was a healthy lil baby.
so doc kiley took to explainin some of the procedures that would be necessary once the baby was borned n that he would keep me n everett informed ever step of the way.
n i telled him that when this was all done n over with that i wanted his mommas name n phone number so that i could call her up on the phone n thank her for raisin such a fine yung man who took such good care of me n my baby.
n yung doc kiley n my man everett took to chucklin bout such a sayin n yung doc sayed that i could definitely hold him to such a deal. 

by this time, the labor contractions were a comin along fast n furious n afore i hardly knew what was a happenin, i heared this lil tiny squeak of a baby cry n i only had time to say "i loves ya baby" n catch a quick glimpse of that lil one afore all them doctors n nurses whisked him away to check all his vital signs n determine his developmental stage n git him hooked up to all them monitors n such. thru this hole time, everett had been standin to the head of the bed a holdin my hand. he turned to look me eye to eye n we was both all teary eyed. n he squeezed my hand real tight n sayed: ya done real good my lil darlin bettie mae.

so on december 16th,

about 7 weeks earlier than

any of us ever expected,

our lil baby boy

who jist couldnt wait any longer

to join us here in this world,

was borned at jest 4pounds n 


n merely 15inches long.

everett n me hadnt even picked out any names yet so we spent some time talkin bout that such a lil tiny boy needed a big manly name. we decided on marchal joseph. that was the name of one of my grate uncles who i had heard stories a bout all my life n he was one big burly mountain man who made a livin as a french canadian frontier fur trapper.

after what seemed like an eternity, but was actually only a bout half an hour, yung doc kiley camed into the room to give everett n me a status report on our new lil boy. they all was real surprised that our lil baby boy was a breathin on his own rite from the start. they did have to place him in a incubator for warmth and observation. yung doc kiley explained to us that babys who is borned so early usually has to learn hows to eat. that lil boy of ours sure nuff needed to put on some weight so the nurses would have to be feedin him with a tube, which was okay cuz my milk hadnt yet come in since all this happened so early n unexpected like. 

i telled doc kiley that we really needed to see our baby, even if jest to talk softly to him for to start the bondin process. so doc n everett helped me outta bed n to suit up in some kinda sterile outfit n mask n when we entered that special nursery room it was all dark n still exceptin for the beep beep beepin of some kinda monitor. when we peered into that incubatin machine, there lil marchal was all swaddled up with wires n tubes runnin ever which a way a round him n he jest looked like the most littlest being ya could ever imagine. we never did say any word for to wake him from his much needed rest but he soon opened his tiny lil eyes n starred rite at everett n me whilest we hovered over him. so everett jest ever sooo softly sayed to the baby: hey there our lil man. guess ya jest couldnt wait to git your lifes started as fast as possible. well, you is here now n you jist know that your momma n daddy is rite here with ya now n that we loves ya lil boy.
n i sayed: we loves ya sooo much lil son . . . marchal joseph turley . . . thats your big name . . .
n he jest starred up at us for a lil bit longer n then slowly closed his eyes to sleep . . . 

when i got back to my hospital room, i called alvernie lou to check on eliza mae n jameson n for to let her know all the goings on. she telled me that she had called all our mommas n daddys to let them know that i was in the hospital havin this baby. i thanked her for all ways being sooo thoughtful cuz in all the commotion, neither me nor everett had yet thought to call them. 

later that afternoon, everetts momma n daddy came for to visit. everett took them over to the observin window in the hallway outside the special nursery that marchal was in n the attendin nurse was ever sooo kind to move the incubatin machine over to the window so that they could git a good look at their new granson. 

by early evening, yung doc kiley camed to check on me n for to tells us that marchal seemed amazingly stable for being such a premie n that he thought that it would be all rite for me to hold him in my arms for a lil bit. so i got all suited up again in some sterile outfit n mask n the nurse ever so gentle like picked that tiny baby up and placed him in my arms. why . . . he was jist as lite as a feather . . . i had to be all carefull like with so many tubes n wires attached to him but at least i could hold my son. i was fixin to ask the nurse that everett needed to git in here too when up to that observin window comes a walkin everett with my momma n daddy. the nurse helped move the incubatin machine whilest i slowly walked that baby over to the window so that they all could get a look at their granson n when momma layed eyes on that tiny baby, her eyes got all huge n she turned white as a ghost n sure nuff she fainted dead away. fortunately daddy was standin rite behind her n he caught her so that she didnt crack her head on the floor (or crack the floor with her head. lol). that momma of mine . . . all ways makin a big scene to be the center of attention . . . 

those first few days was real tuff on everett n me, all that not knowin. but lil marchal seemed strong for such a lil guy, even tho he hadnt taken to eatin much yet. but at least everett n me could hold him close n lil by lil he kept improvin. yung doc kiley kept checkin on us all the time n encouragin us that marchal was doing better than most lil premies that he has worked with in the past. n all them nurses that took turns takin care of our lil man were the most specialist heaven-sent angels - it sure nuff takes a very special person to perform all the duties that they does a workin there in that hospital nursery. 

knowin that lil marchal was in such good hands only made it a lil bit easier when i was discharged from the hospital. everett n me stood outside the observin window for the longest time jest a watchin them nurses buzz a round makin sure that everthang was taken care of. our baby boy was spendin the majority of his time jest a growin in his sleep so we very reluctantly walked out to the car knowing that we had two other lil babys that needed us too. 

the next morning, everett n me decided to take eliza mae n jameson on up to the hospital for to meet their new lil brother. jameson was way too yung still to really understand what all was a going on n after spendin those three days with alvernie lou, all he wanted to do was to cling to his daddy. but eliza mae was a sharp lil thang n nothang much ever got past her attention. when she first seen me the day afore, she knew rite off that i no longer had a baby in my "tummy" so we explained as best a two year old would understand a bout her new baby brother got here early n had to stay in the hospital for a spell longer for to grow some bigger n it was eliza mae who immediately started insistin that we take her to her new lil brother. so we all piled into the car n on the road we was again . . . 

jameson slept the hole way there (that boy all ways did jest love sleepin restfull like while ridin in the car) n he slept in his daddys arms during the hole hospital visit. but when i picked up lil eliza mae so that she could see thru that there observation window outside the special nursery, her eyes jest lite up with curiousity. the charge nurse on duty wheeled marchals incubatin machine on over to the window n eliza mae reached her hand out n pressed her palm against the glass. the nurse gently picked up lil bitty marchal n craddled him in her arms near the window so thats we could all git a good look. n eliza mae sayed: baby name?
n everett n me jest starred at each other in disbelief n chuckled.
i telled eliza mae: your lil brothers name is marchal joseph.
her reply was: jo-jo.
n again everett n me jest starred in disbelief cuz thats what eliza mae all ways calls "flo jo" - thats the only way that she had yet learned how to pronounce that name.
n i sayed: oh wait until i tells "flo jo" this one. she'll git a real kick outta it. 

during all this conversation, here comes a walkin down the hallway everetts momma n daddy. they camed to check on marchal not knowin that we was a gonna be there n after a nice visit for a spell or so, everetts momma says to us: why dont y'all jest stay a while n we wills take these two lil ones along with us n you can jest pick them up on your way home.
"oh momma turley. thank you. but we didnt brang nothang for to stay that long."
"now you jest never mind bout all that. we'll manage jest fine."
n her words jest brought tears to my eyes. "oh momma turley . . . your kindness jest never ceases to amaze me . . . thank ya. we wont be all that long."
"y'all jest git yourselfs all suited up n git on in there n hold that new baby some."
so we did jest that . . . 

during the next week, lil jo-jo made steady progress but i is a tellin ya now, dealin with such a tentative situation as this with all the unknowin n uncertainty can really work on a persons last nerve. when hopes for a new baby are sooo high n then suddenly dashed sooo low, it all jest makes a body wonder where the strength to carry on comes from. but everett n me had each other to rely on n to help encourage the other forward n all we had was time n a waitin. but ooohhhhh the time dragged by sooo painfully slow . . . the seconds seemed like hours n the days each seemed like weeks . . . but all we could do was wait . . . n hope . . . n pray . . . that our lil jo-jo would come out of all this all rite . . . n he jest a kept a makin steady progress . . . 

after three weeks lil jo-jo was finally gettin strong a nuff to be able to nurse. oh that WAS a special day!!! it was like his SECOND birth day!!! after that he really started puttin on some weight n not sleepin all the time n actin more like a regular newborn baby. 

in all, he spent 8 weeks in the hospital. i surely dont know what we would have done with out alvernie lou n everetts momma helpin out with takin such good care of eliza mae n jameson whilest we spent time at the hospital with lil jo-jo. n kouter keepin up with all the farm chores. n "flo-jo" n "peachie" managin everthang so well at the diner. we sure a nuff has some good peoples to depend on. 

n during all that waitin time, everett n me had a chance to spend some real quality time together, especially on those long drives back n forth from the farm to the hospital. n we talked n planned together a bout our family of five. n we both agreed that three babies in three years was more than a nuff n that from now on we would go back to being real carefull with the timing of the deed jest like when we was teenagers. we even stopped at the 5 n dime store n bought us this lil calendar notebook for to keep track of the days "when to" n the days "when not to" jest to be on the safer side. 

when lil jo-jo finally was allowed to come on home, everett n me decided that we all needed to jest stay home a spell jest the five of us n be a family all together. well as much as we could anyways. cuz lil jo-jo had to still visit all the specialist doctors in bigg city a bout three times a week for the first three weeks. n then that graduated down to two times a week for two more weeks. n then they all declared him healthy as can be so we could jest go on into town n visit with ole doc sampson once a week for four weeks. but as much as we could, we strived for the five of us to spend time at home being a family. 

by this time lil jo-jo had growed to be a bout the normal size of a two month old n seemed to be developin in a natural course of events so him n me started in to takin regular trips on out to the diner. it had jest been way too long to be a way from all them good gals n they took to my new lil boy jest as if they had never ever seen a baby ever a fore in their hole lifes. of course, they had been a missin their lil eliza mae n jameson also so everett n me took up our previous course of action where he would keep one of the older yung-uns with him n i would take one with me n lil jo-jo so that all them diner gals could spend some time with all "their" babys. 

sooo . . . life was good n we all five settled into our regular routines n carried on as best as we could. jest like we had all ways done a fore . . .

ifn ya missed the previous segment bout when our first son was borned 

then click this here link:

and the next is about when a second baby girl is borned: 

ifn ya wants to read the whole "everett" story then click the link:



copyright © 2011 - 940farms - all rights reserved

Saturday, December 7, 1991

momma's pork chops with scalloped potatoes

this is one of my "momma" flavorites

that i has been a makin

ever since i was a yung-un.

whenever this entree was on the diner menu

i could barely keeps up with the demand . . .

6 boneless pork chops
cracked black pepper n garlic powder to taste
2 tbsp olive oil

4 to 6 red potatoes, sliced
1 small onion
, chopped

1 can (10-3/4 ounces) mushroom soup
1/2 cup milk

preheat oven to 350 degrees

season the
pork chops with cracked black pepper n garlic powder.
dust seasoned pork chops lightly with flour.
heat oil in skillet on stove top n brown pork chops until golden brown.
drain pork chops on paper towels.

grease a 9 x 13 baking dish with cooking spray.
the sliced potatoes across the bottom of the baking dish.
season the potatoes with cracked black pepper n garlic powder.
spread the chopped onions over the potatoes.
place the pork chops on top.

mix together the
mushroom soup n milk.
pour over the top of the pork chops.

bake uncovered for 1 hour or until done.

momma's French Dressing

jest the best you will ever taste!!!

as momma all ways sayed:
super duper!!!

1 cup vinegar (your flavorite)
1 cup catsup
1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic crushed
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp cracked black pepper
1/2 cup sugar (or less, to taste)

combine all them ingredients together in a jar or blender n mix well.
refrigerate 2 hours afore serving.

Wednesday, November 13, 1991

12. raisin us a family PART 2 - 11/13/1954

(excerpt from "my dearest everett" by bettie mae turley)

a long a bout the time that lil eliza mae was a round seven months old, i started in to noticin a feelin that i had recognized one other time in my lifes n i realized that i was once again a knowin that i knowed that knowin. ooohhhhh mmmyyyyy . . . i sure nuff didnt expect this to be happenin again sooo sooon. i jest had to laugh to myselfs: well . . . sooo much for that ole wifes tale that ya caint be gettin pregnant while you is a nursin a baby. ooohhhhh mmmyyyyy . . . TWO lil yung-uns . . .

i needed to think on this one a while . . . two . . . in two years . . . well . . . aint nothin we all caint handle by workin together . . . but two . . . how in the high heavens will i be a tellin everett this one . . . ooohhhhh he'll jest love the dickens out of such a situation!!!

easter holiday was approachin n my most favoritest time of the year: sprang. when all the baby calfs n colts n goat-kidds was runnin round the pasture n all the orchards was a bloom n all the plannin for the veggie gardens was under way n new lifes was all a round us. one evening during our porch sittin time watchin the sun settin, i guess my mind had been especially preoccupied with all these thoughts n everett noticed.

"hey my sweet lil gal. penny for your thoughts."

"well my darlin man. its most likely gonna cost ya more than a penny."

"what ya got going on in that busy lil mind of yours?"

"everett . . . i is adjustin to a shock . . . BUT its a good kinda shock . . . as necessary as life itself . . ."

"honey? what is it? are you all right?"

"oh, i am so sorry. i didnt mean to worry ya none. its a all good thang that is a happenin. n i am better than all right. i jest got kinda caught off guard by somethang n now i realize that i shoulda talked to you bout all this a fore now cuz you all ways think thangs out so logical like n all n this here situation takes some thinkin bout . . ."

"bettie mae, what is it? whats going on?"

". . . we is gonna . . . have another baby."

n everetts eyes got all big n his sweet lil smile beganned to grow til he was jest a beamin with joy n he wrapped his big strong arms a round me n held me tight in his way that tells me that everthang will be all rite n i jest held onto him n cryed some tears of joy n he cryed rite along with me . . . it will be all rite . . .

i learned somethang real important rite then n there. somethang that i danged well shoulda knowed better by now with all the time that everett n me been together. i shoulda talked with everett bout this baby thang rite from the very beginning of my knowin. i jest didnt knowed that part rite then but i sure nuff knows it now. aint nothin that i caint talk over with everett n git the bestest knowledge n information n insight n encouragement n help n support. he is all ways the bestest husband that i coulda ever hoped for. n i jest love him all the more for it . . .

so once again we settled into this new situation together. our family was growin faster than we ever woulda expected. but it was all good n everthang would be all rite.

a few weeks later when lil eliza mae n me was a drivin over to the diner one mornin, i was a talkin away with her likes i does everday on our drives n by that time she had taken to talkin her baby babble none stop n she did somethang that completely took my breathe away. she sayed: MA ma.

why . . . i could hardly believe my ears. n i neart ranned off the road with all the tears wellin up in my eyes. so i pulled over to the side of the road n gived her such a big ole hug n telled her likes i all ways did bout how much joy her lil selfs had brung into her daddys n my lifes n that i jest couldnt love her any more than i all ready does. n she jest wrapped her lil arms round my neck n hugged me back n we jest sat there for a good while a lovin on each other cuz there wasnt nothin more important than that rite there moment rite then.

over the next few weeks, i started in to workin with eliza mae to say: DAda. she all ready was sayin "bye-bye" real good probably cuz we was all the time leavin one place n headin to another n everbuddy got such a kick outta the cute lil way that she would say it. n one mornin when we was leavin the farm for to head on over to the diner, her daddy was a huggin on her n a givin her that ever mornin sugar that he is so good at n a tellin her how much he loved her likes he did ever day n she put her lil hands on his big shoulders n pushed herselfs back a lil so that she could look her daddy rite in the eye n plain as could be she says: DA da.
ooohhhhh the look of astonishment on everetts face was priceless. n he looked at me all teary eyed n back at her n then gived our lil eliza mae the biggest ole hug n jest a kept a tellin her how much he loved her. n i jest left them have their own moment for a while til everett waved me over to them n the three of us jest stood there lovin on each other.

when eliza mae was a bout 10 months old, she took to eatin a lil table foods with everett n me which was a good thang cuz with me being pregnant again, i had quickly gone from producin milk like a new freshened jersey heifer to barely makin a nuff to feed a baby kitten. n a good eater she was too. we was all ways amazed how easy she took to any new food. kinda like she wanted to try it all. she jest was the easiest baby ever. everett all ways sayed that she was so easy going cuz she was all the time a round a lot of different people at such a early age. but i all ways telled him that she may have my small stature but she had her daddys big sweet personality.

when i was only a bout six months pregnant with that second lil one, i looked big a nuff to be full term. this all was the complete opposite of lil eliza mae who was the tiniest lil newborn. i sometimes thoughts to myselfs that maybe there was more than one baby this time but ole doc sampson assured me that we was only gonna have one more baby this time a round. n this new baby was a feisty one all ways a rollin round n pushin out with hands n feets like that baby was a tryin to make some more room to git comfortable.

since i got sooo big sooo quick like, it was gettin kinda difficult to tote lil eliza mae back n forth to the diner with me. n since our lil gal was eatin purdy good on her own, everett took to keepin her at home on the farm with him sometimes whilest i was at the diner. those two was jest inseparable - that daddy sure nuff loved his lil gal. many a times he would saddle up one of his favorite ridin horses to go on out n check on the stock n he would swing up onto that big ole horse with lil eliza mae in one arm n off they wood go with eliza mae jest a squealin for joy.

near the end of this expectin time, i was beginnin to wonder how in the world i was ever gonna git this big ole baby outta me. alvernie lou had had a couple of big babys n she assured me that nature jist has a way of takin its own course n all them thangs jest sorta kinda work all together n afore ya knows it that baby is swaddled in a blanket n craddled in your arms n ya jist dont ever even wonder anymore a bout how the thang gits done. ole doc sampson recommended that i make sure n git to the hospital for this baby to be borned in case of any complications n this time i didnt have no qualms bout going there n everett was sure a nuff relieved n he kept a askin me ifn we should jest go on up to the hospital early so that i could rest up some n i wood telled him that i felt some better when i kept a movin. so we jest played it day by day, all carefull like, til it was sure a nuff time for this baby to be done makin.

n on november 13th,
after fourteen n a half hours
of hard labor
like i never done worked at afore,

our first lil son finally
made it into this world.

well . . . i guess lil aint quite
the rite word for this boy cuz
he weighed 10 pounds n 11 ounces
n was 23 inches long.
can ya believe that???
23 inches long!!!
why that makes him almost 2 feet tall
when he was jest borned!!!

n he was jest all long arms n legs
n all he would do there at the first
is jest a keep a stretchin n a stretchin
all them arms n legs
like he had spent too long a time being
all cramped up in too small
a place.

all our mommas n daddys had a been a waitin in the waitin room with everett during all that labor time, so after everett had a first chance to meet his new son n spend some time gettin to know him, everetts momma n daddy camed in the room. i never did ever see everett beam with sooo much pride as to havin a son of his very own. as i handed that big ole baby boy to everetts momma, i sayed: here ya be momma turley. meet yer newest granson, jameson cooper.
n she took one look at that baby n got all teary-eyed n jest a hugged on that lil boy.

"oh bettie mae. lil jameson looks sooo much like everett did when he was a new baby. why, its jest amazin the similarities. brangs back sooo many memories of when my boy was this lil. jameson here definitely has his daddys dark complexion n dark hair. exceptin it appears that lil jameson may have dark eyes where his daddys eyes is blue. other than that, my my my, looks jest like a carbon copy."

"same as me n everett was jest a talkin bout. n i has no doubt that jest like everett learned his kind n gentle ways from the two of you, lil jameson will carry on that hole personality of sweetness when he grows up with a daddy like y'all done raised. i has no doubt a bout that. so likes i has telled y'all many a time, thank ya sooo much for raisin the son that ya did."

everett n me took our big bundle of boy on home to meet his big sister - my heart jest ached i had missed her sooo much. alvernie lou had a been a keepin eliza mae whilest i was in the hospital this time. it had been only a few days but my lil gal seemed to have grown sooo much over them nites. when she first layed eyes on her lil brother, she jest starred at him with all this curiousity going on in her eyes. then she ever so slowly reached out her hand n gently touched his cheek n sayed: BAby?
n alvernie lou chuckled a lil sayin: bettie mae, your lil eliza mae
could hardly eat nor sleep for wantin to take care of my lil jonathan jist like some kinda baby doll (alvernie lou had jest had her another baby a few months prior).

"flo jo" was a managin everthang jest fine n dandy at the diner cuz a few months afore jameson was borned, i had promoted one of our best waitresses, melbah rose buchanon (but everbuddy all ways jest called her "peachie") to being the assisstant manager. so i took a bout 8 weeks off from the diner this time so that everett n me could enjoy some time together with our two lil ones n spend time together with all our familys during thanksgiving n christmas (plus the winter weather had set in early back at that time n was unusual cold n i really didnt want to be draggin a new baby all over the kountree side). course there was many a time i wood git a phone call from one of them diner gals sayin that everbuddy was a missin THEIR lil eliza mae sooo much so when the weather was half ways decent a nuff i wood bundle them two lil babys up n we wood take a drive on over to the diner for to have a quick lil visit with all them gals - they all was jest likes family.

jameson jest growed sooo fast it was like magic rite afore our very eyes. one warm noon time in january, jameson n me was a sittin out in the rocker on the back porch whilest i was a feedin him (eliza mae was a takin her nap time). when everett took a lunch break from his leather n wood workin shop, i watched him walkin across the farm yard towards the house n jest was overwhelmed with admiration for this man that i was fortunate to be able to call mister husband n for to live my lifes with. he walked up to where we was a settin n leaned over n gived me a gentle kiss on the forehead n sayed: how is the two of my three most favoritest people that i knows in this here hole world.

"ooohhhhh . . . my sweet man. we is jist doing real good. jest enjoyin some fresh air n sunshine."

"sooo . . . whats for lunch??? does ya thinks that jameson can share any of that???" he says with a snicker.

"oh everett!!! with the way that this boy is a growin, why, i sure nuff dont have no extras!!! he is drainin me of everthang i got. i declare!!! evertime i feed jameson he gains a pound n grows a inch. i caint nearly keeps up with his appetite."

n everett jest chuckles n gived me a wink. he was all the time a teasin round like that. we all ways had sooo much fun together.

so our happy lil family of four enjoyed all them days together . . .

when it came a round time for me to start back at the diner some again, weren't no problem takin them two babys on with me cuz all them diner gals practically fought over whose turn was it to hold n play with a baby. many a day, everett wood still keeps eliza mae with him. he sure a nuff was a better daddy than most woulda done. n she jest loved her daddy so.

shortly after jameson turned 6 months old, he took to eatin some soft table foods with the rest of us. probably cuz he was one high energy lil boy a crawlin all over the place n even standin a lil next to a low piece of furniture n such. wasnt no time at all n he amazed us all with taken his first tentative steps. guess he seen all us others walkin round n figgered why shouldnt he. asides he was all ready as big as a typical one year old. plus his big sis was one of them on the go types all the time n he was all the time tryin to keeps up with her. 

ifn ya missed the previous segment bout when our first baby was borned then click this here link:

and the next is about when a third yung-un is borned:


copyright © 2011 - 940farms - all rights reserved

Monday, August 26, 1991

12. raisin us a family PART 1 - 08/26/1953

(excerpt from "my dearest everett" by bettie mae turley) 

after everett n me had a been married for four years, i started thinkin serious like a bout that parenthood thang. but i didnt say much rite off about all that to everett. all them past years everett had kept after me a teasin n such bout havin a baby but jest teasin. he knew that one day we would. n now i was beginnin to think that day was a comin up. 

for sooo many long years i had been a calculatin the timing of the "when NOT to" of the doing of the deed that i had turned it into pure scientific insight. now it was gonna be sooo excitin to keep track of the "WHEN TO" that i could hardly contain myselfs. n in no time at all, i begun to feel that stirrin in my spirit that i couldnt quite explain. all my women friends n even some of my yunger sisters had all ready had some babys n they all would say the same thang: its jest somethang that a gal knows in her very being. n now i was a knowin that i knowed that knowin. 

but still i kept it a secret from everett. it was the first time ever in our hole life together that i kept a secret from him. partly cuz i wanted to give it some time n make sure this one "took" n partly cuz christmas time was a comin up soon n i couldnt imagine a more special gift to give to my dear sweet everett after all the wonderful thangs he had gived to me in OUR life together.

so that christmas mornin when i got up to put the coffee on like i does every mornin, i tied a big bow made of green n red ribbons around the waistline of my robe. when everett camed in from checkin on the stock it was still dark outside so he didnt notice much different rite off. he built up a nice cozy blaze in the fireplace n when i handed him his cup of coffee he noticed that bow.
n he started in to teasin me bout is i his lil christmas present
n i teased back that i has been his christmas present for many a year now n that he has all ways been my special christmas present. but the present that i was a given to him this year was a new kinda present n it was gonna take a bit longer to finish makin so he would have to wait a spell to receive it, probably some time in august.
n he jest kinda looked at me all dumfounded like n then ever sooo slowly i could see the light bulb turnin on in his imagination. he turned all white like i thought he was jest a gonna pass out rite then n there. so i hollered out loud: breathe!!! i is a gonna need ya a round for a while longer!!!
n that shook him outta his shock n he swooped me up in his arms n he started cryin like a blubberin lil baby . . .

"ooohhhhh bettie mae!!! really??? i can hardly believes it!!! thats the bestest gift ever!!! oh darlin i loves ya sooo much!!! has ya been to see ole doc sampson? is ya feelin all rite? did ya tell yer momma yet? oh no!!! what am i doing??? here, get on over here n sit down!!! git off yer feet!!!"

"everett!!! i aint a gonna break or nothin!!! relax!!! i knows its a big bit to take all in rite now but its okay . . . really . . . we is gonna have us our own lil baby . . . i loves you sooo much too . . . daddy." 

n everett took to bawlin all over again n i jest held him tight n cryed some tears of joy rite along with him . . .

then i explained to him that i would be makin a appointment with ole doc sampson in a week or two but that i was actually feelin better than fine. n no, i wasnt ready to tell momma jest yet. i figgered that when my birthday rolled round at the end of january would be a fittin time to tell her, sorta like a birthday present back to her.

it took everett many a day n a week to kinda settle into the idea that i wasnt some kinda fragile china doll now that i was a makin his baby but he did eventually calm down a lil bit . . . but of course he did all ways worry some bout me n a sayin that i was a workin too hard n that i should a take it some easier on myselfs. 

i would explain thangs to him such as after a spell when i gits to showin that i would tell all them gals at the diner n i would quit with doing all the cookin n such n that i would jest play the hostest part n that "flo jo" was sooo real good at managin everthang ifn i wasnt there everday n that it would all work out jest fine.
n then he'd a feel some better bout the hole situation.

after i did see ole doc sampson n he telled me that everthang seemed to be comin along jest fine that helped everett relax a bit more but he still kept a cautious eye on me most of the time. i tried to stay understandin of him being this was his first experience with all this baby kinda stuff n all.

n of course i telled my best friend alvernie lou rite off cuz i knowed she'd a understand bout keepin a confidence n allowin me to be the one to tell folks that me n everett was expectin our first. she had birthed her fourth baby by that time so she was real helpful in explainin some thangs to me bout what to expect n some thangs to help everett to deal with all the changes n all. she all ways has been my most special of friends.

n everett did real good too a bout not sayin anythang to anybuddy til the time was rite. even tho he was sooo filled with joy to overflowin n about to bust with excitement. he telled me that he liked havin a secret kept jest between the two of us, that it made it seem even more special, ifn thats at all possible. n he took to sayin this lil sing songy sayin: you n me n baby makes three.
everett was all full of excitement.

so the weeks passed quick like n when everett n me went to visit momma n daddy on my birthday, n after we had shared a real nice supper together with everbuddy, i started in to breakin the news: momma, i wants to thank ya for birthin me into this grand world. this lifes that i is a livin is better than i could uv ever imagined possible. sooo . . . this here year on my birthday i wants to give you a present back. (n mommas eyes got all big n excited like she jest knew what i was a gonna tells her). this year i is a gonna gives ya another granbaby."

momma jest sighed such a big ole sigh she was sooo relieved n she sayed, "shoot gal, here ya are turnin 28 years old n finally havin you n everett a yung-un uv yer own. bout time . . ." n everbuddy jest a started in to snickerin cuz that was jest mommas way.

as the next weeks n months passed it seemed that time jest a kept tickin away faster n faster. i had such a real easy time of it all. well, exceptin some of those hot summer days would some times git a bit much (i'd have to plan ahead some better for the next yung-un). but everett n me jest couldnt imagine being any happyer with OUR lifes. especially cuz we had each other.

when i got towards the end of the expectin time, everett started in a talkin a bout makin arrangements ahead of time at the hospital in bigg city. that had becomed the popular trend for gals to go on off to the hospital for to have their babys. everett n me talked all that out in a lotta detail n i could tell rite off that he had kinda set his mind to doing this hospital thang so i jest agreed with him.

n on august 26th
our first baby daughter was borned.

she was jest the tiniest lil thang
weighin only 6 pounds n 4 ounces
with dark hair n dark eyes jest like everetts gramma.

n ooohhhhh the look of love that
everett transferred onto that lil baby gal
was the most priceless experience
of my hole entire lifetime. 

everett n me was jest plain in awe of this lil person that we n god had created - she was a livin n breathin miracle, simple as that. we would say all the time that we jest never knowed that anyone could feel that big of a feelin of love the ways that we loved that lil baby girl - its an experience only knowed by experiencin it for yourselfs.

so that very first day, daddy drived momma up to the hospital in bigg city cuz she jest couldnt stand havin a granbaby that she aint met yet. n rite off momma starts in a givin advice that weren't asked for n givin orders to the nursin staff that weren't needed n we all jest kinda snickered to ourselfs cuz thats jest mommas way about her. so i tried to distract her some by sayin: here momma, hold your new lil grandaughter. 

"bettie mae, does this lil gal not yet have a name???"

"course momma. her name is eliza mae."

"eliza mae??? what kinda name is that???"

"its the name that me n everett agreed upon. one of his grate grammas was named elizabeth n i really likes that name. n my middle name was named after daddys gramma margaret."

"oh, so her name is elizabeth margaret. thank goodness!!! thats more proper."

"no momma. her proper name is eliza mae. i wasnt gonna have no daughter of mine growin up with some ole lady name like i had to being named beatrice margaret. so everett n me decided to jest start rite off with her shortened up name n call her eliza mae. n that is her legal name all signed up n documented on her birth certificate. eliza mae turley."
sometimes ya jest had to handle momma with the same sterness that she all ways tried to throw a round at everbuddy else!!!

everetts momma n daddy showed up shortly after that n they was jest as proud n overjoyed as we was n rejoicin with us bout now knowin what that love feelin was all about from being a momma n a daddy for ourselfs. thats where my everett got all his kindness n tenderness n gentleness. his folks was the best in-laws i coulda ever asked for. everett n me all ways did joke a round a bout that i got the in-laws n he got the out-laws.

after the second nite of sleepin in that there hospital bed i telled everett that i jest wanted to go on home.

"but bettie mae!!! you need to get your rest up!!! n what a bout lil eliza mae??? she aint yet ready to be carried off in to that hole world going on out there!!!"

turns out that he was jest a lil feared a bout all the caring of such a lil baby so i reassured him that babys had survived harsher conditions then all this hospital commotion n that i jest wanted to git on back to out in the kountree n be on the farm n to sleep in our own bed again n that lil eliza mae was all healthy n such n that she would actually do better gettin out of all this city air . . . so he rather reluctantly agreed.

i took the next few weeks off from workin at the diner. "flo jo" would call me ever once n a while n she was a managin everthang jest fine n dandy.

so everett n me n our lil "makes three" spent all them days jest relishin the joys of being a family together. everett was sooo funny during them first few days, he could barely git any work done for frettin bout me n lil eliza mae n runnin back up to the house again n again jest to check on us. but we all three fell into a real comfortable routine everday n lil eliza mae was jest the best baby that we coulda ever hoped for.

when eliza mae was four weeks old, we went on in to town for to see ole doc sampson ("we" as in all the three of us. everett jest couldnt imagine how i would a be able to drive with a baby in the car. hahaha). doc telled us that lil eliza mae was a gainin good weight, still a lil small for her age but she was probably jest gonna be a lil gal. so everett beganned to relax a bit more n git comfortable with all this baby kinda stuff.

the next mornin after breakfast i announced to everett that lil eliza mae n me was gonna make a lil trip on over to see alvernie lou. i hadnt seen her since a fore eliza mae was borned n i was jest a missin her so. alvernie lou n me had talked on the phone some during that time but that jest aint the same as spendin time together talkin n laughin n carryin on likes she n me all ways does. everett jest didnt know what to think a bout my plan n offered to drive us on over to alvernie lou's place but once i got to the point of explainin that alvernie lou n me needed some time together for gal talk that kinda convinced him that he didnt really want to have to sit thru all that. i assured everett that baby n me would only be gone for a few hours n that everthang would be jest fine.

when we drived up into her driveway, alvernie lou camed a runnin outta her house n jest leaped for joy she was sooo happy to see me n for to meet lil eliza mae. we had sooo much fun visitin again n the hole time alvernie lou jest a held onto my lil baby n hugged her n kissed her jest as if she was her very own n was jest sooo happy for me n everett. it was sooo wonderful to see my best friend again n we had a truly grate visit.

as eliza mae approached her six week birthday, i talked with everett a hole lot a bout startin back to schedulin some time for me at the diner. not much. n not cookin. jest to play hostest some n for to visit with everbuddy n to show off eliza mae some. it took a bit of convincin but eventually he realized that the day was gonna git here sooner or later.

so that first trip, everett drove me n eliza mae on out to the diner n we hauled a crib out there for to put in my office where eliza mae could take her nap time. we arrived at mid mornin so as to be there betwixt breakfast rush n lunch rush n ooohhhhh what a joy it sure nuff was for to see all them gals again. n ooohhhhh what a fuss they all made over our lil eliza mae n i jest watched everett beam with pride. he was sooo happy being a daddy n that made me happyest of all, that i could of done such a thang for this man who has all ways done so much for to make my life happy n full of joy.

at first me n eliza mae would drive on over to the diner for a few hours a couple of times a week n as time went by we spent more n more time out there n everbuddy got to share in my n everetts joy of watchin this sweet lil baby grow more n more. so everett n me n our lil "makes three" settled into our new routines n life was sooo good cuz we all had each other . . . 

ifn ya missed the previous segment bout how the diner done got started a way back in the day then click this here link:

and the next is about when our first son was borned:

ifn ya wants to read the whole "everett" story then click this link:


copyright © 2011 - 940farms - all rights reserved

Wednesday, June 12, 1991

11. livin life to the fullest PART 2 - 06/12/1950

(excerpt from "my dearest everett" by bettie mae turley)

a lil story bout how the diner done got started a way back in the day . . .

along about shortly after me n everett cellebrated our second weddin anniversary, my best friend alvernie lou n me took a lil day trip on over to wyattsville for to visit with our friend, minnie jane perkins, she was our friend from back in the skewl days. minnie jane had jest birthed her a second baby so she was a tellin us all about the hole beautiful experience. course alvernie lou all ready knew bout all that cuz she n her husband kouter done had three yung-uns of their own. n so them gals started in a teasin me bout havin a baby for everett n i jest a kept a tellin them like i tells everbuddy else that it would jest happen in its own time. but it sure nuff got me to thinkin that being a momma would be a real fun thang to do n it sure nuff would make everetts heart jest swell up with being overjoyed . . .

but i still had the feelin that there was some more thangs for me to be a doing a fore i takes in to raisin yung-uns. n when alvernie lou n me left minnie janes place for to go to shoppin over at the grand emporium, i done figgered out jest what that a somethang else was. whilst alvernie lou n me was a havin tea n krumpetts at the coffee shop, sittin there a giglin n a tellin stories n a laughin n a jokin round likes alvernie lou n me all ways does, in comes a walkin pearlie sue brubaker sashayin up n down the aisle sayin her howdys to everbuddy. when pearlie sue sees us a sittin at that there booth why she camed a flyin over there to tell us all the latest news (more like to find out all our news. she all ways did have the reputate of being a kinda nosey rumorous gossip). BUT amongst all her clamorin chatter she did mention one piece of information that sure nuff got my attention in a BIG way. course i never let on to no idea til after pearlie sue finally left us be.

alvernie lou n me went back to our tea n conversation when i says, kinda thinkin out loud like for to get her opinion on my new idea: sooo . . . ole giallo betranelli is finally retirin . . . hhhmmmmm . . . how long has him n his wife gertie june been a runnin that there truck stop cafe out there on highway 190 any ways???

"oh lands sake. why, it seems like they been there forever. long as i can remember."

"n they done made a nice life for themselfs runnin that there cafe . . . a rite nice life . . ."

"bettie mae, what ya got cookin there in your lil thinker?"

"well . . . i does got some cookin going on in my head . . . course i wanna talk this all over with everett . . . but i thinks that i mite jest becomed my own busyness woman . . ."

n alvernie lou jest started in a hootin n a hollerin all excited like n a tellin me what a grand idea that is . . .

so when i got back home n was a puttin supper together, i thought out a hole proposal plan for to open up myselfs a lil diner kinda place, like a breakfast n luncheon diner n bakery kinda place. n when everett camed in from workin, i jest kinda casual like mentioned to him that i had somethang for to talk over with him after supper when we does our porch sittin n watchin the sun settin (that had becomed our end-of-the-day relaxin time custom. most evenins everett would play on his guitar n sometimes his banjo n once in a while i would play on my grandaddys ole fiddle n we would sit out there on the porch n sing some of our favorite ole songs n sometimes we would make up our own songs for to make each other chuckle n other songs for to tell each other how grate it was lovin each other n how beautiful OUR life together was. i sure nuff do miss them times).

so whilst everett was cleanin himselfs up for to eat supper, he jest kinda casual like said: well bettie mae, fancy that. i got somethang for to talk over with you too darlin.

then all thru supper i told him about the day that alvernie lou n me spent together n he told me about his own goings on
for the day. n after i had all the kitchen ware n dishes washed n put up proper like, everett n me went on out for our porch sittin time.

after a nice lil quiet spell, everett pipes up a tellin me that he had stopped by
jeb pritchetts feed store in the late mornin for to pick up some extra fencin supplies n a bunch of the guys was there a playin checkers n a talkin n such n ole jeb mentioned somethang that made his ears perk rite up . . .

"but bettie mae, you go on n tell me your news first . . ."

"what was jeb a talkin bout?"

"oh, jest a lil maybe busyness opportunity."

"such as . . ."

"you remember
giallo n gertie june betranelli?"

"i knowed it!!! thats what that blabb . . . er . . . muhm, that
pearlie sue was a talkin bout too!!!"

"well i dont know none where jeb got his information from but when i heard that the
betranelli's was retirin, i thoughts to myselfs, selfs i says, that could be a purdy good opportunity for my lil gal bettie mae."

"ooohhhhh everett. does ya really thinks so???"

"well, darn tootin i does. lets jest thinks about this
for a minute. i declare, bettie mae, you is such a hard workin gal n ya has so much fun a doing for others n the cattle farmin here is a comin along jest fine n settlin into a easy routine n the church ladys committee is all organized n a doing such great thangs. so jest think about all them activities boiled up into one pot n what kinda recipe does ya comes up with?"

"oh my dear sweet everett, i thinks i would
jest plain love doing such a thang. i even comed up with a busyness plan proposal for how it all could work out. we could have us a rite nice breakfast n luncheon diner n bakery kinda place. i already knows that busyness from them two years that i worked for the betranelli's as a waitress back whilst you was in the navy. n oh my my my, we did have us some fun times. but i knows being the boss would be different. but i swear i could do it easy nuff. i could go on n talk it over with banker davis n work out some financial details about it all. most of the staff thats all ready a workin there would probably stay on. n i has been cookin up a storm all my hole life n i loves it. i jest plain loves it!!!"

"well my lil fire ball of energy, ya sure nuff dont have to do no convincin to me. i all ready knows how ya is such a hard workin gal.
but ya know there is no reason why ya HAS to do this thang. ya jest dont HAVE to be a workin sooo hard all the time. it really is okay for ya to be a taken it some easier on yerselfs. not that i is a doubtin yer abilities none. aint a body would question that. everbuddy knows what a high level of energy ya puts into everthang that ya does."

of course i knowed that everett would be all worried bout me a takin on too much n a sayin such as all this so i was a lil bit prepared. n i telled everett that i jest never felt any better bout a decision in my hole lifes n that everthang that we was a doing was such great fun n enjoyment. but it jest seemed like i should a be doing somethang more. n that i could easy do this here diner thang. n that i knowed it would be a lot of work n all but it would be fun work. n that i figgered it would be easier, at least for starters, to jest do the bakery n the diner for jest breakfast n lunch n such. that ways i'd still be here at home for to take care of thangs in the afternoons n to fix up supper in the evening n such. n that i didnt think that it would be all too much at all.

n as all ways, everett jest chuckles n says: ya can do whatever n anythang that will keep ya this full of joy . . .

so another long story short (i get into more detail in a separate story named: the diner days): giallo n gertie june jest plain loved the idea of me being the one to take over possession of their lil cafe. the financin was put in place. florence jo mckenzie (everbuddy all ways jest called her "flo jo") was the betranelli's head waitress n on-site comedian n she n me had worked together back in the day when i was a waitress there whilst everett had been in the navy n "flo jo" was sooo joyed that we would be a workin together again n now she becamed jest indispensable in helpin me git everthang situated - that gal could jest do anythang n everthang. all the staff stayed on. well, exceptin esther ruth but she'd a been waitressin there forever it seemed n she decided it was long past time for her to hang up her apron - shoot, she was near on 77 years old n finally ready to kick off her workin shoes. everett was the one who comed up with the name for our new diner: the kountree kitchen. n like everthang else, everett was all ways rite there being a true god-given handy man - weren't nothin that man couldnt figger out how to fix up rite.

when the financin for the diner got all situated n all the paperwork proper signed n documented, i had a hole week a fore i took over the ownership of the diner so i spent that week workin with giallo n gertie june a learnin all a bout the busyness end of their busyness. friday was their last day n a bitter sweet day it was. at the end of the day, after all the customers had lefted n giallo locked up the front door for the last time, "flo jo" n me made them a special supper n let them sit a spell n be waited on like they had been a doing for all them many years. after "flo jo" n me had everthang cleaned n put up, we said our tearfull good-byes to the betranelli's n i asked them to please promise to stop by anytime n to keep in touch n thanked them for all their help in everthang they had teached me. then "flo jo" n me stood out in the parkin lot for a while makin excited plans for the next days busyness, the first day for the kountree kitchen diner.

i could barely sleep that nite so i jest finally gived in n got up n put my workin clothes on. everett was already awake too n got up with me so we could have our regular early mornin coffee chat n he was jest as excited as me.

whilest we was a milkin our two cows, everett telled me that he had a busy day planned for himselfs doing his carpentry work n all but he could come on over to the diner also ifn there was anythang that i needed doing
n i says that i appreciate all his good help but that everthang should go smoothly jest like a nother day n that "flo jo" n me was gonna stay a spell after we closed at 2:30 in the afternoon n we was gonna make a workin plan for the next week but that i'd be home for to make supper.

with the milkin done n the breakfast dishes n such put up, i got myselfs cleaned up n changed into my diner uniform n as i was a leavin, everett wrapped his big strong arms around me tight n held me for a extra lingerin embrace
n he telled me that he was jest sooo proud of all i was a doing. then he gived me a kiss n a wink n sayed: i'll be seein ya later my lil gal.

the breakfast rush was in full swing being it was saturday n all n around 7 i was real surprised when in walks everett. he sits himselfs down at the counter n i hollers out to him from the kitchen: hey there mister husband. what brangs you round?

"jest thought i'd stop by n see how all your thangs are a going. i is jest gonna sit a spell, have a cup of coffee n read the newspaper."

n at that very moment, in walks two of everetts brothers so them n everett takes a table over by the window n got all deep into some kinda discussion. n then my daddy walks in with my four brothers so i telled them all howdy n to take a seat n somebuddy would be rite by for to take their order. but they moseyed on over to everett n his brothers n they all took to talkin bout somethang. they all ate in a hurry n got up to leave together n everett says: we all got plans for to be takin care of somethang rite now but i will be seein ya in a lil bit darlin.

i was all caught up in the busyness of the kitchen n hadnt noticed all them menfolk hangin round out in the parkin lot til the hammerin commenced. i rushed out the front door to see what all the racket was a bout n they all hollered in unison: surprise!!!

here everett n all them was busy buildin a sign for to put up on the diner. they all had spent the hole week plannin a surprise renovation party. n i WAS jest SOOO surprised!!!
i hugged daddys neck n he sayed: anythang for my lil baby gal.
n all my brothers n everetts brothers started in to crowdin round me n sayin all their congratulations n best wishes n i thoughts my heart was jest a gonna burst.
n then everett: ooooohhh my dearest sweetest everett. you is jest all ways full of surprises aint ya?

"bettie mae. we ALL is sooo proud of all that you is a doing. this here is jest a lil somethang to help ya git started rite off."

after the breakfast customers cleared on out, them menfolk reframed all the windows n replaced all the window glass n painted the hole outside of the diner n changed the street sign n everett had spent the week makin some sandstone concrete containers for to plant some flowers in - he put in my most favorite daisy flowers. then everetts momma n daddy showed up along with my momma n the two mommas made these beautiful canopy awning shades for the windows.

when the lunch crowd finished up n we closed our first day of busyness for the diner at 2:30, i walked out the front door n beheld a site that completely took my breathe away . . .

so "flo jo" n me made all them hard workin men n mommas some appreciation lunch so that they could take a break for a spell. n then they all commenced to haulin all the furniture out of the diner n paintin the hole interior n everett had also spent the week makin all new tables n chairs n the mommas reupholstered the counter stools n they all was jest as busy as could be.

later that afternoon, i found out that the surprises weren't yet over. drivin into the parking lot was giallo n gertie june n they hauled in all these trays of food for to feed everone supper. here they had been in on the plans all a long. they wanted to do somethang to participate in the cellebration so they did what all betranelli's does best n they cooked up all that food.

when everbuddy was done with their eatin of supper, i telled them all that this was the most overwhelmin surprise n how much i appreciate all that they done n that they had done turned this here diner into a palace place n that it is somethang that they could all take pride in for all the beautiful results of their hard work.
n they all jest a kept a sayin that it was everett who done thought out the hole plan n that they was glad to share in the fun surprise.
my dearest sweetest everett . . .

so everett n me settled into our busyer routines n still had us a hole lotta fun. not that we didnt encounter a hiccup or two ever now n then but like everett always sayed: without them tuff times comin along ever now n again, a body jest dont fully appreciates the good times.

so everett n me jest kept a movin forward n enjoyin it all cuz we had each other. we was livin OUR life to the fullest.

the next segment is a bout when our first baby was borned:

ifn ya wants to read the whole "everett" story then click this link:


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